Gallery 3

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Newest Paintings

Here are pictures of the newest paintings! With some I went for a floral theme! Click on the image for enlarged size.

Hydrangea Front 18"x24" (Sold)

Hydrangea Backside

Hydrangea Front Close Up

Hydrangea Backside Close Up

Hydrangea Vase (sold)

Green Orange Vase

Tropical Front 18"x24" (sold)

Tropical Backside

Tropical Front Close Up

Tropical Backside Close Up

Autumn Leaves Front 12'x24"

Autumn Leaves Backside

Autumn Leaves Front Close Up

Autumn Leaves Backside Close Up

Iris Front 12"x24" (sold)

Iris Backside

Iris Front Close Up

Iris Backside Close Up

DianthusFront 12"x24"

Dianthus Backside

Dianthus Front Close Up

Dianthus Backside Close Up