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Welcome to the Gallery! This section will constantly be a work in progress. If the painting is unavailable for sale then it is posted as an example and can be used to inspire for a customized painting. Click on the image for the full size.

Three Layers Front 18 x 24 (sold)

3 layer back

3 layer front - close up

3 layer back - close up

3 layer connection

3 Layers

Square & Line 1 Layer 18 x 24

Square & Line Backside

Square & Line Front- Close Up

Square & Line Back - Close Up

Square & Line 2 (1 layer) Front 18 x 24

Orange Square (1 Layer) Back 18 x 24 (Sold)

Square & Line 2 - Close Up

Orange Square - Close Up

Blue Cabinet (1 layer) Front 12 x 24

Red Cabinet (1 Layer) Front 12 x 24

Blue Cabinet Back - Close Up

Red Cabinet Back - Close Up